GRFS extends the workplace with @Home jobs

Most of the jobs being filled at Guthy |Renker performance facilities in the next few weeks to turn your morning commute in a walk down the Hall. Use of online training modules and video-conferencing, which keeps the supervisory authorities in relation to their agents, GRFS @Home program allows additional growth of customer services, the company provides for its Guthy |RenkerTM brands. @Home approach worked so well that GRFS is adding more than 100 new positions over the next 60 days to expand its customer service programs for computer technology and consumer products.  Several commissioned sales positions are available as well, according to the company.

The company will host job fairs to occupy new positions on Monday 4 February at Covington, LA call center and on Friday 8 February at their headquarters 1845 Brevard road in Arden NC.  Applicants can also visit the website of the company apply online job fairs. Call Center director-Debbie Jones said that about two-thirds of new hires for the year 2013 is expected to go in the program of the GRFS @Home Agent.   This is the first year the GRFS plans to recruit more agents working from home than their brick-and-mortar facilities, according to Jones.

"While we had our online training and surveillance platforms were built up to hiring people who can come to our premises to train and work.  We are now able to provide the information and support they need to be successful right in their homes, "she said. Most of the new jobs will be aimed at candidates with the latest model computers and fast Internet connections that are qualified to work at home. "At a certain point, we just run out of space here in the call center.  If we want to continue to expand our business, we can continue building larger buildings or fully use new technology, "said Jones.  "We now have the tools to expand the company beyond our facilities." Applicants must live in North Carolina or in Louisiana.  More information on jobs is available at

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