We offer the most comprehensive mailing lists of state licensed professionals and can pinpoint your specific geographic needs at home addresses.
Here are just a handful of the professionals we offer:
Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists
Lawyers (by specialty)
Nurses (RN, LPN, NP, PA, CNA)
Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians
Physical Therapists & Assistants
Occupational Therapists & Assistants
Professional Counselors
Respiratory Therapists
Social Workers
Speech Pathologists
Stock Brokers
Postal addresses and home phone numbers available in Excel format - emailed right to you. Multiple-use available!
Email Campaigns available!
We have had great success assisting recruiters and would be honored to create the perfect prospect list for you.
Please contact Bill Woods today to find the perfect candidate for your next project!
Order by 4/30/12 and receive 20% off your first order!